Democratization and Revolution in the Ussr, 1985-91

Jerry F Hough
Brookings Institution Press

Democratization and Revolution in the USSR, 1985-1991 presents a strikingly new view of the Gorbachev era and the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union. Written by one of America's most distinguished.

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specialists on the former Soviet Union, this is the first comprehensive overview of the Gorbachev period, which it describes as a real revolution; not mere "reform." According to Hough, despite Mikhail Gorbachev's talk of a regulated market, he never understood that a market must be created on a solid institutional and legal base. Hough explains that Gorbachev was not alone in thinking that the destruction of old institutions was enough to unleash a market. Westerners also talked of leaping a chasm in a single jump, as if democratic and market institutions existed precreated on the other side. But precisely because Gorbachev (and later Boris Yeltsin) was encouraged in all his worst mistakes by Western advice, his failure has crucial implications for Western thinking about the process of democratization and marketization. This unprecedented book explores those implications in depth.